In the Land that’s renowned for it’s invention of the motorized transportation and Automobile brands, it was exciting to personally visit, along with friends, the International Motor Show (German: IAA – Internationale Automobil Ausstellung) at Frankfurt in September this year. It was a 2-day trip with the major chunk of Day 1 at the Motor Show.

For those of you who have heard/read little about it, the Motor Show puts on display the Passenger vehicles in the odd years at Frankfurt while the even years focus on Commercial vehicles (at Hannover). With personal mobility seemingly at crossroads with the buzz about ‘self-driving vehicles’ and ‘alternate energy sources’ stronger than ever before, the Motor Show this year was much different than in the past decades. I leave the task of enlightening the reader more about the IAA to Google.

Just for the record, my friends and I personally participated as passengers in a free demo from Bosch for the Automated Emergency Braking that work’s on stereo camera based setup (related clip below). There was another demo from Continental where participants were driven around in a small track without a driver.

(Link –

A compact self-driving city car for two


All these could sound creepy, but that’s likely the future! Get into a car, choose a destination and do what you want to, while the car takes care of the driving.

One trend is clear. Science fictions of today seem to become realities of tomorrow !! So, be ready for Star Wars !


The T-Rex skeleton

Day 2 of the trip was a visit to the Naturmuseum Senckenberg (Museum of Biodiversity). While Day 1 at IAA was a glimpse into the future, this was like travelling back in time. From the Jurassic age and earlier until the present day, it was truly overwhelming to take it all in. This trip brought back memories of a German-speaking trip as part of The Languedge to the Egmore Museum in 2016.

Honestly, but for inadequate maintenance and care, the treasure of the Egmore Museum seems no less worth in its value and history than that of the Frankfurt Museum. Still, with barrier-free accessways and lifts, the Frankfurt Museum seemed to fit a larger audience, especially the elderly and families with little kids. And as is common everywhere in Germany, being students we obtained discounted tickets (6 Euros).

While the trips to IAA and the Museum were food for thought, the real food for the growling tummy was during Lunch at Hotel Saravanaa Bhavan (HSB), Frankfurt on Day 2. For famished souls as ourselves, to enjoy authentic South Indian food (importantly, without having to do the dishes later) was a heavenly feeling, to say the least.

Living abroad, away from home, makes one truly comprehend the small pleasures of life that one had always taken for granted. A plate of South Indian meals that has more curries than can be eaten with 1 bowl of rice, a crispy Ghee Masala Dosa with Sambar and 3 types of Chutney, Curd Vadai garnished with boondhi and coriander leaves, Sambar Mini-Idly that can be gulped as a whole, Mango Lassi and most importantly, a glass of hot piping Filter Coffee were our small pleasures for the day. The menu card had more on offer but our stomachs seemed too small to eat one more handful. However, the advantage of eating with friends (the more, the merrier) is that everyone got to taste all of these, while keeping our expenses within the planned budget.

To give a rough idea, an estimated budget of 15±3 Euros seems just right for a person wanting to eat to his/her heart’s content. Located a short 5-10 minutes walk from the Frankfurt main station, it’s easy to reach and should be on the to-do list of all foodies. Still, be sure you’ve yearned for it and earned it, so that you also cherish it to its fullest.

Tip for future visitors: Being a hub for international tourists, there are lucrative ticket options that include all day use of public transport + discounted/free access to Museums, Ship trips along the Main river, etc. Such offers are city specific, so be sure to find the best fit and make the most of it. Travelling in groups is advantageous, as it is anywhere in Germany.