We see a lot of material for Dummies, but this article is targeted at the smart ones. The ones who require a bit of guidance. And believe in planning their next step towards studying abroad. One of the options being Germany.
First, let us analyze the reason as to why we must consider Germany an option, when all our Friends and relatives are busy packing their bags to other places.
- Quality of Studies – the biggest factor is the quality of Studies you receive. It is absolutely top-notch, in accordance with international standards and the language of instruction is dominantly English
- Finances – An MS in Germany would easily require maybe 30-40 % of the funds you might have to allocate for a similar degree in the US. Think of the bank loans, financial burdens and stress that you would be reducing.
- Job Market – In comparison to many other European countries, the German job market is actually strong and there is a huge paucity of “”skilled labour” The quality-conscious Germans are always on the lookout for good workers, who are suitably qualified. Add to it you speak their lingo, and you are comfortably placed.
Now that you are aware of the reasons, why one must go to Germany – how do we plan out all the steps during our University days. As a student, one does not want to miss out on “college life” as it is popularly called, and yet we aim at a smooth transition by the time you finish your studies. It would do you good to follow the steps chalked out below for you :
First year – This year is particularly earmarked for all your groundwork. Research, research, research. Reach out to previous students, look up reviews and testimonials, check on the pre-requisites and job possibilities, scholarship options, etc., and zero in on at least 5-7 Universities. Your next step will be to list down their requirements:
- Do they require work experience?
- Internships?
- Published papers
- Your CGPA
- German – A1/ A2/ B1
By the end of the First year, you will have a list of things to do, exams to clear and relevant classes to attend. It might look daunting, but not at all. We will break them down for you.
*CGPA / Internships are something you will have to work on throughout the course of your studies.
Second Year – The first thing in this process of preparing yourself for studies in Germany – is the German language itself. While certain colleges insist on a particular level of German, most expect you to have a basic level when you arrive in Germany, aimed at you surviving your daily life.
For one to be fluent in a language, it is best learnt on a regular basis than pursuing it intensively. We recommend that you learn up to a B1 or a B2.1, unless your university specifies a higher level. While the first level can be done intensively, we do not recommend the same for advanced levels.
Start your language classes at the beginning of the second year and continue into your third. During your summer holidays, make sure you intern at a company that adds value to your resume – either as the brand itself / or experience in a relevant area.
Third year : At the onset of your third academic year – you should have completed at least up to an A2 and started on your B1 classes. This is the time for you to also start with your GATE / GRE preparation. This will be your toughest year – you will have to manage your regular university studies, German classes and an extra effort for GRE etc. Mentally fix a time frame regarding when you would like to take up your test and work intensively towards the same.
Final year : You will generally have fewer subjects and longer free hours, so put them to use wisely. You would have completed your B1 by now and maybe started on a B2.1 . Your IELTS / TOEFL should be given priority, number of credits, LORs, SOPs should be done end of the first semester or beginning second semester.
If all goes well, between Feb to April – you should have an admit in hand.
We wish you all success!!!
Mathangi has been involved in translations during the initial stages of her career. She has been teaching / training/ conducting workshops in German language and culture for corporates,universities and individuals since 2004. Passionate about languages- French and Spanish also are part of this MBA graduate’s qualifications. Her clients include Bosch, Dürr AG,Dow chemicals, Citigroup Global Services to name a few. Her other interests include travel , long distance running and writing. She was a freelance journalist with the Times of India as well.